Wednesday, 12 September 2018

The power of intensions

Intentional living

Keep your focus on your intentions when doing any tasks.

Its all good and well if you have a goal and take actions towards the attainment of your goals, but what if you don’t like the daily tasks? Should you still continue, give up or try different tasks.

Now it may seem tedious to clean up after yourself, to follow your inner guidance voice to be good and do good, but the benefits out way the perceived downfalls.
You might think, this is not doing anything, its not helping me achieve my goals. How is it helping, doing the task, if I don’t like it?
Simple, start liking it.. :)
The reason we do not like those tasks is because of the perception we associated with it. Ex, men usually do not like house cleaning partly due to the fact that in our society it is not a manly thing to do. So men will avoid liking it even though they might have a yearning to do it. Just to be manly.

We need to dig deep in ourselves and find out why we do not like the specific tasks. What do we think we will lose or give up by doing this tasks? In most cases it is purely our comfort zone that keeps us locked, our ego that do not want to change, because who likes change..

Now where does intention comes in.

·         Before you do the task
·         Before you start your day
·         Before you start your week
·         Before you start your month
·         You get where this si going.

Start your day with your intentions for the day. Make your tasks part of your intentions.

I.e. today I want to clean the kitchen and like doing it.
·         Today I want be nice to my work colleagues and feel joyous around them.
·         Today I want to help a random person with food/clothes or just advice.

You will be surprised how putting your intentions out before the day start how they start to manifest in your life. Suddenly these things start to happen and appear in your life.
Just note, it takes a time for intentions to start working in all areas as your belief must get on board as well. Deep wounds will take a while because you need to resolve your expectations of the outcome first.

Here is an example that happened to me. Real life example J
I scheduled a meeting with my new boss to get to know him and understand what his vision is for the department and f course for me. I have never dealt with him so it was very important for me to understand how his mind works. I am a “why” person. I always need to know the reason why something works that way or why someone thinks a certain way.

As I was waiting for him at the restaurant, I was writing in my journal what was going through my head.

Thoughts came through my head, hoping he would cancel. I thought that the previous night as well. Then I don’t have to face this ‘unknown’. I did not know what was going to come out of this meeting. Fear of the unknown got hold of me. I felt unprepared and uncertain.
Now why would I want something like that, I called for this meeting.
What do I want to avoid? Feeling unworthy? Avoiding the uncertainty feeling? Felt he would not understand my mind and my vision? Maybe we are not aligned and then he will find out and try to change me and how I do things at my job?
This is all possible, all relating back to worthiness and certainty, 2 powerful and very important states to overcome and achieve.

As I sat there, heating up from the coffee and the stressing, the thought came to me, but what do I want to get out of this meeting? How do I want his meeting to run and end? Instead of worrying about something that did not happen, something that I perceived in my mind that was not confirmed true, I decided to change it.
I started writing my intentions for the meeting.
·         I am excited to meet my boss today
·         To be more in line with each other
·         I am excited for what we will be discussing and the topics and conclusion we will come too.
·         Excited for what I am going to say and learn/teach
·         Excited and grateful that my boss is meeting with me.

My fears before the meeting melted away as I wrote my intentions and felt the outcome. The outcome did not look so bleak anymore, it looked bright, filled with smiles and achievement.

After the meeting I wrote a few pages on the meeting.
It all panned out exactly as I intended. We spoke about topics that interest both of us, we were more aligned than I thought we were. His vision for the company forward was in line with mine. And I learned something new from him, that there is space for someone like me and my visions in this organisation.

There are truly a great power behind setting intentions.

Take note, that intentions are just that. If your thought is clean but your intentions are not, you will get what you intended.

Make sure you put your good emotions behind your intensions. If you do something, intend to do it well and enjoy it.
Remember, you can make this fun and create your new reality.
Ex. I like cleaning the kitchen. It makes me feel fulfilled and a sense of accomplishment. Now this is much better than, I must clean the kitchen or flies will come and irritate the living hell out of me.

All these articles are interlinked. Life is interlinked. What you do at home you do at work etc.

Make your intentions clear. Make them clean. Make them positive and be detailed about the intended outcome.

Intentional living is magic, try it for a month. I like 3 months, then it is in bedded in you as a new habit.

Have fun.

Love, peace and joy

Image result for intentions


  1. So true. Set your intentions, be positive and focused and life will reward you.

  2. Indeed Unknown. Thank you for your contribution.
