Thursday, 6 September 2018

Small daily actions lead to success

Small daily actions lead to success

How do we keep on track with success? Why do we lose traction sometimes from our goals and visions? How can we identify when we lose traction and get us back on track again?

There are small simple stuff we do every day that either helps us up the ladder of achievement or down the rabbit hole to fantasies and dreams.

I call these small daily actions.
If you study achievers, people who make money, who accomplish big things like conquering Mount Everest, saving the people of Calcutta like mother Teresa, starting a massive business like Amazon, they all had some daily rituals and actions that kept them on track with their vision and missions.

Some small daily actions is as simple as, wake up when your alarm goes off, DO NOT SNOOZE. You will have more energy and determination for the day.
Wake up when you wake up. Don’t sleep further. (Unless you wake as a result of stress, then you have different issue to resolve first.
Pick up after yourself. Take your plate to the kitchen immediately when done eating.
Pick up your piece of paper if you dropped it, accidently or on purpose. Pick up after someone else if you see something lying on the floor or look un-neat.

The reason is, your brain picks up that it is un-neat. Your brain do not tell itself it was not your piece of paper, it tells you it I un-net and it is in your space. Whatever is in your space influence you.
Just like leaving your clothes on the floor after undressing. How much more effort is it to put it in the laundry basket? 10, 20 seconds? What is that in your life? What would you have done with those 20 seconds anyway? Watch some advertisements on TV waiting for your show to start? Why not pick up the clothes and feel fantastic about it.

These small daily actions are all small wins to achievement. The more you feel good, the more you feel good. Understand?
If you strive to be happy and joyous, you must be happy and joyous every day? Right? That is after all your goal. Then take these small opportunities to feel significant, to feel accomplished, to feel fulfilled, win.
Take the small win and increase it every day.

Want to feel even more fulfilled and accomplished than just putting your clothes away? Then create more opportunities for yourself to feel these emotions and feelings. Don’t put your clothes on the floor in order to pick it up and feel accomplished, it unfortunately does not work that way. J
Act on your inner guidance, the voice inside. If you walk past a bottle in public and you notice it and ‘feel’ to pick it up, then pick it up and through it away. Your body will reward you with good emotions. Fulfilment, I helped the earth, I contributed to something greater than myself.

People think that one action like this will not make a difference in the world, let a lone in themselves.

Just try this. Small daily actions.

Some more examples are: (Feel free to add more in the comments)
·         Wash/shower every day. It’s not good to have dirt on you. Even if you think you are clean, your body secretes toxins etc daily. This does have an effect on you, maybe not now, but it accumulates.
·         Eat the healthy option. Your body will reward you. Don’t worry about the taste, the taste goes away after a few minutes but your body stays with you. Feel good, eat good.
·         Brush your teeth daily.
·         Clean up after you made a mess, in the kitchen, bathroom or wherever, even if it is not your house, especially when it is not your house. J
·         Read – Helps with focus, expanding the brain and provides new ideas and concepts.
·         Write in your journal – It is important to keep to track on your life. It really assists to look back on your life to see how your thinking was a year ago and see how it changed. More importantly, to see where you can improve to reach your achievement goals.
·         Solitude. Sit in quiet with yourself. We think we know ourselves, until you spend an hour with only yourself, then you will realise you are living in a body and mind you do not know from.
·         Make a task list/intension list for the day and complete it. This will give you tremendous momentum to reach your goals. This one alone is very very important for achievement. Even add how you would like to feel during the day, life planning.

These habits contribute to a success mentality and lifestyle.
Ø  Look after your body, your vehicle and it will look after you.
Ø  Look after your mind and it will reward you with good thoughts and emotions.
Ø  Look after your spirit, and it will reward you with good clear direction.

These small daily actions are so small you will not notice that you missed one day, well, not immediately. If you do however keep a journal, you will notice that you slipped and are off track, only when you become frustrated that life is not working out as you wish anymore.

Go back to the basics, small daily actions will lead to achievement/success.

Please comment with your thoughts and more daily actions I have not mentioned.

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  1. Agree with the small actions. I just struggle with my motivation/self discipline to do all the small things I have on my own list that I know will make me feel good and accomplished when the day is over. Why is this? Perhaps write something on this topic too... you know what to do, why are you not doing it

  2. The secret is to do the tasks even if you do not feel like it. You need to accumulate momentum by doing, doing your daily actions. Your mind and body will make you feel exceptional after you have completed the tasks.
    Motivation comes from within, and you need to find the reason, the why, of your goals to gain the momentum even when you dont feel like it.
