Saturday, 29 September 2018

Decisions - What do we base it on?

We all make decisions right through the day.
Some of us are more aware of the small decision we make during the day. Like, Snoozing the alarm clock, turning left instead of right, am I going to take offence to that what was said.

Have you ever wondered why you make a certain decision? Why would someone turn around and run when they see a dog and another will bow down and try to pet the dog?

There are 2 schools of thought I work with. We base our decisions on;

  • Pain or Pleasure
  • Our Values
Pain or pleasure: 
In the example of the dog, why do run or pet the dog. It is because you have a perceived outcome of the event that is either linked to pain or pleasure. The dog will either hurt you or provide pleasure. This can also go as deep as why do people stay in abusive relationships. They perceive more pain in leaving the relationship than staying in the abusiveness. They might think, who is going to look after me then, who will love me, will someone love me again. etc.
Makes sense? 

on the other hand, we also base our decisions on our value system. 

What do I mean with that? Well, if you and your partner walk in a mall, you will only notice what is important to you, what is higher on your values list. 
Let me explain, a husband and pregnant wife is walking in the mall, the husbands' values are something like, (Prosperity, business/Money, wealth, security, family, education), while the wife's' values are more like (Children/family, security, health, business/money)
When walking down the mall, the husband notices an empty store and thinks he could open a business there and more money. The wife is noticing all the baby clothes and books, all the other little children in the mall.

This just shows the importance of having a value system and having one in line with what you want to achieve in life. 
If you want to know more about your values, follow the below link to determine your values. Dr Demartini is excellent in this subject and you will find a lot of value out of this.

If you combine these 2 methods you will start noticing where you are making decisions that is not  in line with your goals or mission. You can change it where it start. You can change bad habits by noticing where and why you made the decision that caused you to miss your target. 

This is magic, identify your life. 

Have fun

For more information on the 2 methods, follow the below people.

Pain or Pleasure - Anthony Robbins
Values - Dr Demartini

Image result for personal values

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