Saturday, 29 September 2018

Decisions - What do we base it on?

We all make decisions right through the day.
Some of us are more aware of the small decision we make during the day. Like, Snoozing the alarm clock, turning left instead of right, am I going to take offence to that what was said.

Have you ever wondered why you make a certain decision? Why would someone turn around and run when they see a dog and another will bow down and try to pet the dog?

There are 2 schools of thought I work with. We base our decisions on;

  • Pain or Pleasure
  • Our Values
Pain or pleasure: 
In the example of the dog, why do run or pet the dog. It is because you have a perceived outcome of the event that is either linked to pain or pleasure. The dog will either hurt you or provide pleasure. This can also go as deep as why do people stay in abusive relationships. They perceive more pain in leaving the relationship than staying in the abusiveness. They might think, who is going to look after me then, who will love me, will someone love me again. etc.
Makes sense? 

on the other hand, we also base our decisions on our value system. 

What do I mean with that? Well, if you and your partner walk in a mall, you will only notice what is important to you, what is higher on your values list. 
Let me explain, a husband and pregnant wife is walking in the mall, the husbands' values are something like, (Prosperity, business/Money, wealth, security, family, education), while the wife's' values are more like (Children/family, security, health, business/money)
When walking down the mall, the husband notices an empty store and thinks he could open a business there and more money. The wife is noticing all the baby clothes and books, all the other little children in the mall.

This just shows the importance of having a value system and having one in line with what you want to achieve in life. 
If you want to know more about your values, follow the below link to determine your values. Dr Demartini is excellent in this subject and you will find a lot of value out of this.

If you combine these 2 methods you will start noticing where you are making decisions that is not  in line with your goals or mission. You can change it where it start. You can change bad habits by noticing where and why you made the decision that caused you to miss your target. 

This is magic, identify your life. 

Have fun

For more information on the 2 methods, follow the below people.

Pain or Pleasure - Anthony Robbins
Values - Dr Demartini

Image result for personal values

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Act NOW!!!

Why should we act now instead of postponing the activity till later?
We are capable of doing that. Procrastination. Humans are have developed procrastination to a next level, and im sure most of us are guilty of that.
We all ask the universe or God for multiple things during the day and our lifetime. i.e. please give me the right partner that will just love me the way i am. I need that promotion. I must get my car fixed/payment done. I must go on that holiday with my friends.
We have these requests that we must have fulfilled, which in most cases, if it is a must, it will happen. We "ask" for it during our days mostly without knowing what we ask for.
Now, God/The universe starts aligning your world to make the things happen for you in order for you to receive what you asked for.
If you asked for patience, you wil get more queues to wait in in order to gain patience.
Your higher self is giving you hints and tips to complete to follow on your journey to receive what you asked. for. If you ignore the instruction because you dont feel like it, or your lazy now, then you might meet the important factor intended in the activity, i.e. meet someone that will open a door etc. There are a lot of good energy in acting when you receive the inspired though or feeling. You feel more confident in your direction as you are making progress and taking action. You build a sense of certainty, something i have came to understand to be one of the power factors in life...Certainty.

Postponing an impulse will cause a few things in your mind and body.

You will not completely "rest" as your mind will keep holding on to the activity that needs to be completed. Once its in your head you have to action it. Not actioning will cause it to sit somewhere in your body and mind and will cause issues later. Suppressing does not work on the journey of self discovery.
You feel a sense of disappointment. Not being able to do something that small. ( A simple task that needs to be done. I.e. phoning someone, completing something, cleaning up)
Frustrations will kick in after a while and you will get angry at other people for the same actions you are not completing yourself. Be it at work or at home. If you are late with reports at work, and your son as received a warning for a not handing in his tasks, then you might be extra angry at him.
Sense of achievement is decreased as feelings of guilt and inadequacy might come in saying "yeh, but you could have completed this way earlier."

Act on the impulse, build your character.

So remember..
Action - good
Procrastination - bad

Have a fabulous day.

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Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Life planing 101 - Who is your Idol?

Who is your idol in 10 years? 

Now this is not a trick question. Have you ever thought of who you admire and would like to strive top be or have some of the character traits? 
What about Mr Bean? would you not like to be that never-minded and find joy in everything? 
What about James Bond, or Donald Trump :) 

Its very good to have idols to strive to improve yourself. Even if its only 1 trait you are after. 
Why is this important? Well, if you do not strive for more, you will be the same person in 10 years. You will get angry at the same things, you will get upset and agitated at the same things. and if you share a life with someone, then they have to bear this for the nexrt 10 years at least. 

One important thing about idols is, they give you confidence that it is achievable. Most peoples idols are and have been their parents all of their lives, which is not bad. However, you do not know anything else. 
Example: if you lived in a poor family, as a child you did not see this as poor, but rather a way of life. Only until you were older and realized that other people have different stuff. At the young age you do not realise what causes other people to have either more or less than you, you think thats the way it is. 
But it is not, yay. You can do something about it.
Because you only knew your parents way of doing things you will do the same thing. You will most likely get angry at the same type of stuff your farther or mother gets angry for, you will most likely earn the same as one of your parents etc. They created your blueprint for life. 
So, by seeing other people that has achieved your desired state or results, it gives you the confidence to pursue it.  
The closer the idol is to your situation/circumstance, i.e. came from a broken home, were a drop out, were abused etc, the more the their message will hit home with you.

So its good to have an idol and see what character traits you admire and would like in your life. 

Now here comes the most interesting and powerful part. 

What if your idol in 10 years time is...YOU!!

Is that not a wonderful  idea? Start thinking, who do i want to be in 10 years?
Wright it in detail, every aspect. You dont need to complete this exercise in 1 go. Build this profile over your lifetime. 
How do i want to deal with anger? Will it still be in my life in 10 years? 
How would i deal with depression? Will it still be in my life?
How will i treat people around me, loved ones and strangers? Will i be nice to everybody and expect love back from them?
Will i be a state of gratitude, love and joy? Or, an even greater state than im currently enjoying. 
What type of friends will i have? Are they conducive for my goals and family goals? 
How is my family relationships? 
This will go on and on...

The secret is to visualize your desired state vividly. Writing helps with this as you get more detail out of your brain if you write than if you just sit and think, also less though distractions. 

Refer again to visualization vs fantasizing.

Write this everyday, and expanding a bit every time. This will build your profile of you your ideal person would be in 10 years. The daily writing also keeps you reminded of that person and keeps the vision fresh. If you miss this, your vision will go back to what you know and your brain will come up with excuses why this is a bad exercise and does not work, just to feel safe in your comfort zone. 

Now the trick comes in. Trusting that you wrote this in complete detail on how you would act in situations, how you would portray your love and passion and joy to how you want to feel at work. 

Now you take that complete 'profile',every step and action you take in given situations, and you bring it forward to now. 

Instead of seeing it in 10 years, bring it to the now, and start living like the person you envisioned in 10 years. Be the loving and supportive farther and husband. Be the person who do not get angry anymore but rather converts the anger into learning. Be the person who do not stress, who do not suffer from a state like depression, be the love you want for the world. 

Now this seems all simple. How would that work. It just does. Imagine waking up ion the morning and feeling like your 'idol' instead of how you currently feel? (Assuming you wake up in less than a grateful and joyousness state)
Successful, accomplished, content, trusted, abundance.
Imagine feeling all these wonderful emotions without feeling guilt for having them? 

Imagine your life was perfect, for you? 


Enjoy this exercise and keep it going intensely for 1 month everyday and you will feel the difference after one month. Your thought pattern will change, you will have less angry thoughts and more thoughts inline with what you want. What would have been angry or depressed thoughts, are now thought of what you created, love or acceptance or learning. 

For lasting results, carry on for 3 months, and then never stop. 

Do not think this is taking time from your life. if you do not plan your life to this extend, you will have to be carried by the wind in any direction. Dont be afraid to plan YOU. Be you, be the best version of you. 

Friday, 14 September 2018

Why are questions so powerful?

How do we change our story? 
How do we stay on track with our daily actions? 

These two questions leads from previous articles. This article will shine some light on changing your mind. 

Our minds all work on the same principles. When we think something our brain fires neurons off in a certain pattern in your brain. 
Lets use this example:
A small child was attacked by a dog when the child was around 4 years old. This child suffers from trauma ever since the attack. 
Now you get another child. This child was never attacked and only have loving memories of dogs. 

How do we process the 2 different scenarios? Well, our brain fires off the neurons in a certain pattern in order to get to those emotions of fear or joy. The child who is afraid of dogs fires a fear based pattern off while the child with loving memories fires off a pattern of joy. 
Both are seeing the same thing, a dog, but they have different emotions and thoughts around it.

Refer to the picture above. 
This is a simple example of what im explaining. 

So, if circumstances can influence what we think and feel, then surely we should be able to link different feelings to the circumstance? Change what we associate with the picture, the "incident". 

How do we do that? 
Now that is the right question to ask? 


Your brain is made to analyse and resolve problems. The problem is we are giving it bad problems to solve. 
Like, why am i poor? 
Answer: Your a lazy couch potato. Or not taking enough action. 
Why am i fat? 
Answer: Because you are a pig. you eat everything you see. You don't love yourself. etc. Hen you just become more depressed. 

So, the solution? Ask better question? 

  • How can i become thin and fit and enjoy the process? 
  • How can i make more money in a loving and joyous way while giving back? 
  • How can i wake up tomorrow and feel even more joy and love in my heart and life? 

Your brain will start working on these problems you present to it. Just keep on asking until you get the right answers to take you to your goals. 
You will soon realize that life is a set of questions. The more successful you become in life, the more refined and to the point your questions become. 

People ask all sort of nonsense to themselves. 

  • Do that person like me. 
  • Im worried my boss don't like me and will replace me. 
  • Im worried my partner is not faithful. 
  • Im worried i will not have enough money for retirement, or just to live. 

These nonsense questions can all be replaced with new, better questions. 

the better questions will also make you feel better than thinking about the stressful questions. 

Here's a good question to ask. 

  • How will it feel for me to live in complete abundance. 
  • What type of thought will i have when i have reached the ideal state? 
  • What type of person do i want to be in 10 years? (Create that person then, and move it forward, be it now. Magic this one.)

By asking your brain questions like this, it will start to build new neuron pathways in your brain. Linking up new emotions to scenarios and thoughts. 

The little child in the example do not have to be afraid of dogs for the rest of their lives. They can link better pathways/emotions to the image. In fact, i have a friend who overcame this. She is one of the most inspirational ladies i know in this regards. She absolutely love dogs and cant get enough of them, Great example of overcoming fears. 

Keep on asking the questions. Your brain will try to go back to the standard thoughts. Keep on keeping on. The change and improvements lie after frustrations, after you want to give up. 

Success is found 1 meter after you gave up. SO never give up. 

Change your questions to make you more confident, to make you more friendly, to make you feel excited for every single day because every day is a wonderful gift and a blessing to be part off. 

Build your new you. You can do it. 

Whats your questions? 

Follow me on facebook as well. 


Wednesday, 12 September 2018

The power of intensions

Intentional living

Keep your focus on your intentions when doing any tasks.

Its all good and well if you have a goal and take actions towards the attainment of your goals, but what if you don’t like the daily tasks? Should you still continue, give up or try different tasks.

Now it may seem tedious to clean up after yourself, to follow your inner guidance voice to be good and do good, but the benefits out way the perceived downfalls.
You might think, this is not doing anything, its not helping me achieve my goals. How is it helping, doing the task, if I don’t like it?
Simple, start liking it.. :)
The reason we do not like those tasks is because of the perception we associated with it. Ex, men usually do not like house cleaning partly due to the fact that in our society it is not a manly thing to do. So men will avoid liking it even though they might have a yearning to do it. Just to be manly.

We need to dig deep in ourselves and find out why we do not like the specific tasks. What do we think we will lose or give up by doing this tasks? In most cases it is purely our comfort zone that keeps us locked, our ego that do not want to change, because who likes change..

Now where does intention comes in.

·         Before you do the task
·         Before you start your day
·         Before you start your week
·         Before you start your month
·         You get where this si going.

Start your day with your intentions for the day. Make your tasks part of your intentions.

I.e. today I want to clean the kitchen and like doing it.
·         Today I want be nice to my work colleagues and feel joyous around them.
·         Today I want to help a random person with food/clothes or just advice.

You will be surprised how putting your intentions out before the day start how they start to manifest in your life. Suddenly these things start to happen and appear in your life.
Just note, it takes a time for intentions to start working in all areas as your belief must get on board as well. Deep wounds will take a while because you need to resolve your expectations of the outcome first.

Here is an example that happened to me. Real life example J
I scheduled a meeting with my new boss to get to know him and understand what his vision is for the department and f course for me. I have never dealt with him so it was very important for me to understand how his mind works. I am a “why” person. I always need to know the reason why something works that way or why someone thinks a certain way.

As I was waiting for him at the restaurant, I was writing in my journal what was going through my head.

Thoughts came through my head, hoping he would cancel. I thought that the previous night as well. Then I don’t have to face this ‘unknown’. I did not know what was going to come out of this meeting. Fear of the unknown got hold of me. I felt unprepared and uncertain.
Now why would I want something like that, I called for this meeting.
What do I want to avoid? Feeling unworthy? Avoiding the uncertainty feeling? Felt he would not understand my mind and my vision? Maybe we are not aligned and then he will find out and try to change me and how I do things at my job?
This is all possible, all relating back to worthiness and certainty, 2 powerful and very important states to overcome and achieve.

As I sat there, heating up from the coffee and the stressing, the thought came to me, but what do I want to get out of this meeting? How do I want his meeting to run and end? Instead of worrying about something that did not happen, something that I perceived in my mind that was not confirmed true, I decided to change it.
I started writing my intentions for the meeting.
·         I am excited to meet my boss today
·         To be more in line with each other
·         I am excited for what we will be discussing and the topics and conclusion we will come too.
·         Excited for what I am going to say and learn/teach
·         Excited and grateful that my boss is meeting with me.

My fears before the meeting melted away as I wrote my intentions and felt the outcome. The outcome did not look so bleak anymore, it looked bright, filled with smiles and achievement.

After the meeting I wrote a few pages on the meeting.
It all panned out exactly as I intended. We spoke about topics that interest both of us, we were more aligned than I thought we were. His vision for the company forward was in line with mine. And I learned something new from him, that there is space for someone like me and my visions in this organisation.

There are truly a great power behind setting intentions.

Take note, that intentions are just that. If your thought is clean but your intentions are not, you will get what you intended.

Make sure you put your good emotions behind your intensions. If you do something, intend to do it well and enjoy it.
Remember, you can make this fun and create your new reality.
Ex. I like cleaning the kitchen. It makes me feel fulfilled and a sense of accomplishment. Now this is much better than, I must clean the kitchen or flies will come and irritate the living hell out of me.

All these articles are interlinked. Life is interlinked. What you do at home you do at work etc.

Make your intentions clear. Make them clean. Make them positive and be detailed about the intended outcome.

Intentional living is magic, try it for a month. I like 3 months, then it is in bedded in you as a new habit.

Have fun.

Love, peace and joy

Image result for intentions

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Change your story, change your life

Change your story, change your life

We have dreams of becoming more than who or what we currently are. Be it to feel more love and joy or to express more love and joy, to the more physical aspects of becoming more wealthy. We all have this to some degree.
We try and study methods of attaining these dreams, i.e. law of attraction (The secret - Movie) or 'Psychology of achievement' etc. These are wonderful methods, but if they are applied incorrectly or partially it can cause frustration when the results are not apparent.

Then why, if we truly want something, we cant seem to get our head around attaining it? This is literally the problem, we cant get our head around it.

To start off, we should be able to envision our goal, our desired state, in our mind. However, we tend to think that is enough, thinking about our goal once a day or once a week, worse, once a month. This sporadic thinking about our goals do not put enough momentum behind your vision. We need to level up and envision it frequently.

This is where the change your story change your life comes in. You will notice that your general story you tell yourself in your head is in alignment with what you currently have.
Focus on the self worth part, you do not find yourself worthy enough to have what you dream off, otherwise you would have had it already. Self worth can be bad or good, Ego or spirit.
In most cases you will find that when you try and change your story you do not feel worthy of it.
I.e. a new job promotion. You are keen for it, then you see Billy is also applying for it, then you think, Billy is pretty good, i dont think i will get the promotion. To a life partner; that person is way to pretty/successful for me, they will not like me, and you never even approached the person. That person might have been looking for someone exactly like you. There is always an opportunity out there aligned specifically for you. Just trust the process and your self worth.

SO, changing your story. This takes time and effort, but is one of the lasting methods of goal attainment. It takes effort, but then again, it is worth it or else you would not have considering changing your life. your current plan is not going to get what you want, so change your story.

A method
Every morning, wright what your desired story should be and look like. Love at home, abundance wealth, health and happiness, whatever it might be, rite it down in detail.
Then visualize your story in your head, play scenarios that usually happen that get you negative, and change it to your desired outcome. Practice this while keeping your focus on the end goals in mind and your story will change.
Soon you will discover more facets of your story that you weren't aware of, and now you can change it as well. As you go along, your new story starts to replay in your head over and over, and when you catch yourself again, the new story is imprinted, the new you. You will make decisions from this place instead of the old way of doing things, and so your results will start to change.

Remember, your brain cant tell if you experienced something or vividly imagined it. So, make use of this super power, and create your desired life.

Change your story, change your life.

IF you need further assistance with changing your story, you are more than welcome to contact me.

Have a wonderful, blessed day.

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Thursday, 6 September 2018

Small daily actions lead to success

Small daily actions lead to success

How do we keep on track with success? Why do we lose traction sometimes from our goals and visions? How can we identify when we lose traction and get us back on track again?

There are small simple stuff we do every day that either helps us up the ladder of achievement or down the rabbit hole to fantasies and dreams.

I call these small daily actions.
If you study achievers, people who make money, who accomplish big things like conquering Mount Everest, saving the people of Calcutta like mother Teresa, starting a massive business like Amazon, they all had some daily rituals and actions that kept them on track with their vision and missions.

Some small daily actions is as simple as, wake up when your alarm goes off, DO NOT SNOOZE. You will have more energy and determination for the day.
Wake up when you wake up. Don’t sleep further. (Unless you wake as a result of stress, then you have different issue to resolve first.
Pick up after yourself. Take your plate to the kitchen immediately when done eating.
Pick up your piece of paper if you dropped it, accidently or on purpose. Pick up after someone else if you see something lying on the floor or look un-neat.

The reason is, your brain picks up that it is un-neat. Your brain do not tell itself it was not your piece of paper, it tells you it I un-net and it is in your space. Whatever is in your space influence you.
Just like leaving your clothes on the floor after undressing. How much more effort is it to put it in the laundry basket? 10, 20 seconds? What is that in your life? What would you have done with those 20 seconds anyway? Watch some advertisements on TV waiting for your show to start? Why not pick up the clothes and feel fantastic about it.

These small daily actions are all small wins to achievement. The more you feel good, the more you feel good. Understand?
If you strive to be happy and joyous, you must be happy and joyous every day? Right? That is after all your goal. Then take these small opportunities to feel significant, to feel accomplished, to feel fulfilled, win.
Take the small win and increase it every day.

Want to feel even more fulfilled and accomplished than just putting your clothes away? Then create more opportunities for yourself to feel these emotions and feelings. Don’t put your clothes on the floor in order to pick it up and feel accomplished, it unfortunately does not work that way. J
Act on your inner guidance, the voice inside. If you walk past a bottle in public and you notice it and ‘feel’ to pick it up, then pick it up and through it away. Your body will reward you with good emotions. Fulfilment, I helped the earth, I contributed to something greater than myself.

People think that one action like this will not make a difference in the world, let a lone in themselves.

Just try this. Small daily actions.

Some more examples are: (Feel free to add more in the comments)
·         Wash/shower every day. It’s not good to have dirt on you. Even if you think you are clean, your body secretes toxins etc daily. This does have an effect on you, maybe not now, but it accumulates.
·         Eat the healthy option. Your body will reward you. Don’t worry about the taste, the taste goes away after a few minutes but your body stays with you. Feel good, eat good.
·         Brush your teeth daily.
·         Clean up after you made a mess, in the kitchen, bathroom or wherever, even if it is not your house, especially when it is not your house. J
·         Read – Helps with focus, expanding the brain and provides new ideas and concepts.
·         Write in your journal – It is important to keep to track on your life. It really assists to look back on your life to see how your thinking was a year ago and see how it changed. More importantly, to see where you can improve to reach your achievement goals.
·         Solitude. Sit in quiet with yourself. We think we know ourselves, until you spend an hour with only yourself, then you will realise you are living in a body and mind you do not know from.
·         Make a task list/intension list for the day and complete it. This will give you tremendous momentum to reach your goals. This one alone is very very important for achievement. Even add how you would like to feel during the day, life planning.

These habits contribute to a success mentality and lifestyle.
Ø  Look after your body, your vehicle and it will look after you.
Ø  Look after your mind and it will reward you with good thoughts and emotions.
Ø  Look after your spirit, and it will reward you with good clear direction.

These small daily actions are so small you will not notice that you missed one day, well, not immediately. If you do however keep a journal, you will notice that you slipped and are off track, only when you become frustrated that life is not working out as you wish anymore.

Go back to the basics, small daily actions will lead to achievement/success.

Please comment with your thoughts and more daily actions I have not mentioned.

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Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Goal achievement - Visualization vs fantasizing

When do you know you are fantasizing and not visualizing your goals and visions?

I started on a new journey to towards my major goals recently. I always believed in the law of attraction and creation. and have successfully used and implemented it up until this point in my life. Now my next vision and goal feels so massive for me it brings forth a lot of self doubt and mental discomfort.
I started the process of goal setting an goal defining a few weeks ago. It was amazing, the new goal and vision IS my life.
I started off great, motivation was threw the roof, visualizing was on point and my emotions was boiling with excitement. It felt like i'm on my way to create this in one month....hehe.
Then week 3 came, things started to become challenging, my mind and emotions wanted to go back to what they are used too, but i don't. The thing is, i don't know how it is to have what i am envisioning, i never had it before, i never truly experienced it before on such a scale. It is all new.

So, some of the challenges week 3 posed was, Life: "Do you really want this? Come on, let me show you what you already have, what you are used too. Its easy, just keep on doing what you have been doing before. Tomorrow you will have it again, easy peasy."
Life will always ask you if you are really, really, really sure this goal/vision is what you truly want. It will give you examples of what you already have in your life, instead of a red Ferrari, you have a red polo GTI, then you might accept it and forget about your goals and dreams, only to be reminded in your midlife crisis that you actually wanted a Ferrari and you could have had it by now.

If you answer life with a "YES", life will demand from you things you have never done and thought before on this scale. Life will demand from you to know exactly what you want and how it will feel.

So my motivation to continue dipped a little bit, my mind played tricks on me, trying to accept the status quo. My visualizations vague like a plain flying into the distance. Then i started to increase my intensity, after all, im not going to give up this time. I could only do that by thinking of an aspect of my vision. This helped to keep my mind from slipping from my vision and goal.
I started thinking how i would do stuff, but very superficial, what will i do everyday etc. But that got filled up really quick, then i needed more material to keep my focus. i started to enjoy the thoughts more than creating the feeling, the feelings after all was overrun with doubt by this point.
So i asked myself, what is the difference between visualizing and fantasizing. There is a very thin line between the two and it is easy to get caught up in fantasizing.

Fantasizing is just thinking about your ideal future or state. It is not really helping you achieve it. Severe fantasizing can lead to depression if you really truly want it, fantasize about it daily, but no results are forth coming. That is quite depressing.

Visualizing should focus on the practical aspects of your goal and avoid entertaining fantasy.

I.e. You want a R20 million house and a Ferrari in the garage, fantasizing will be where you see yourself driving in the car all day long and watching TV from your pool with lots of babes and hunks. If you never had this before, you do not know what it takes to get/earn it. Fantasizing sitting and driving in a Ferrari is not going to get you there. It will get you to sit in a Ferrari at a dealership and being asked to kindly leave.

So, a secret to visualizing is to, visualize the steps and actions needed to get this goal.

  • What are you willing to do to get this? New job, own business, gambling etc. 
  • what are you willing to give up? You have what you have because you have been doing what you have been doing all along. Get it? To get more than you have, you have to do more than you are currently doing. Example, give up some TV time, go out less for a period, give up a hobby to pursue your goal. It all comes at a price. 
  • Visualize the steps needed for you to achieve your goal. I.e. i need to make R5 million a year for 4 years to buys this house. how?
    • Join a network marketing company
    • start your own business. 
    • develop your talents like acting, singing, artist etc. 
    • find ways to make the amount of money you need by digging deep and believing. (Belief is another topic on its own)
Rather visualize and work out the steps to be taken, plans on how to action those steps and keeping the driving force alive. 

By doing this you will face potential obstacles in your mind and overcome them before they happen or blind side you. You will be more prepared for any challenges and will not deviate from your goal as easy because you are prepared for the challenge. 

This brings much more structure to your goals and a level of certainty that you are well on your way to achieve your goal. 

Make your vision real by visualizing the way you will achieve your goal and vision, instead of fantasizing about your vision and forget to action your dreams.

Visualize well my friends, and enjoy the journey to fulfillment.

Image result for fantasy vs visualise

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Why do we stress?

Stress, the all to well known feeling of anxiety and the lack of self believe.

Now you do get good stress, but it is actually bad stress handled good. We should not feel stress to perform, it is not needed to have stress as a motivating factor. We CAN create new, better motivational factors in our lives.
Why do we feel stress then?
We stress because we have a perceived fear  of the outcome. We fear we are not capable to carry out the task successfully. This however is just a perception.

Example: A college at work was stressing about a task that needed to be performed. He was inexperienced and was fearing the act, possibly the fear of rejection underlying the stress. Because he had never done this before, the fear of rejection caused him to stress whether he is capable to carry out the task.
I on the other hand did not stress about it because i have done it before numerous times.
So where is the difference? It is not the task, because i could carry out the task without stress. Its not my rank, because I could carry out the task in my previous held position.
It was the perceived idea that he could fail. The self believe was not strong enough to overcome the stress of the situation

Now, if stress is as a result of a fear, and a fear can be overcome, then there is no reason to stress. Just like the old saying, can you do something about? If yes, then do it and dont stress. If no, then dont stress.
Work on your fears and your stress will decrease to a point where you are the master of your life and you decide whether to feel stress or not.

At the end of the day, if you do not work to master your life, life will master you. You have the power to choose your outcomes. You must just decide what your outcomes must be.
That is the power and importance of self development, self improvement and/or self mastery, i like the latter more, SELF MASTERY. yah

We all are aloud to feel wonderful every single day. The majority of people unfortunately chose to feel bad, miserable and blaming every day. A possible reason is that they do not want to take control of their life to this full extend.

Life is a choice, enjoy the journey.

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Monday, 3 September 2018


A great welcome to myself for joining the blogging world. Yay

The purpose of this blog is to share my life's experiences and journeys in order to shed some light on why we go through certain challenges in life. 
I go through reasons and reasoning's why certain things happen and theories how to change it. 

Welcome tot he world we live in. I hope and trust the stories in this blog will assist you in your life and becoming truly the most you can be. 

I look forward to hear your feedback and suggestions.