Tuesday, 18 January 2022

The dangers of watching TV unconsciously

Loads of people are more familiar with whats happening ont he TV than in their own neihbourhood. These lockdowns only increased the viewing times as well. However, most people do not know or understand the dangours of watching too much TV. 

What happens when you watch TV but while you are on your phone....?

When you watch TV but are on your phoneor daydreaming about something else at the same time, you open up your subconscious for the ‘things’ and happenings on TV to enter your mind, unwillingly. This comes in the form of behaviours and expectations about certain things. I.e., Expectations about how someone must be in a relationship and when to get sick (Flu season ads) etc. 

If you were focused on the show, you are able to deny the bad feelings and ideas from the TV shows or adverts. Like seeing an actor doing something bad and immoral to another actor (Cheating, stealing, murder, etc) But if you are unaware, you are allowing these ideas and feelings to enter your body and mind. (Mind virus)

People who are generally weak minded allow unwanted negative thoughts to enter the mind-body. That energy leads to bad thoughts during your life and those bad thoughts leads to bad outcomes. 

In general, it’s better not to watch TV or programs that is not improving yourself or your state of being. 

Be careful what you put into your body; some things are more harmful than a take away meal.

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