Tuesday, 15 February 2022

How do I cleanse from negative energy?

This might be contrary to what some people are use to hearing or would like to hear, but it works

Let’s start with Karma quick.

Google search definitions:

(in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.


good or bad luck, viewed as resulting from one's actions.


In short, it comes down to ‘you reap what you sow, what goes around comes around’ etc.


Why I started with karma? If your past actions determine your current and future experiences, then it is very important to resolve your karma in order to have pleasant and prosperous experiences now. This will lead you to live in the present moment, the moment of now.


So, following this method, in order to cleanse from negative energy, one must live a pure life. For if your current actions, state of mind and emotions have created your current experience of life, then to experience something else one will have to change one’s actions, mind and emotions. This is not always an easy feat, but worth it.

In the words of David R Hawkins, “intent sets karma”. Meaning, what your true intention is behind an action creates your karma. So be wary of what you think and feel. 


There is no quick way or magic stone that will do this for you. To get rid of toxic people and energy in your life, you have to outgrow your environment. Remember, we are not trees and we can move. If there is no chance of moving currently, then start working on a plan to move. Even if it takes 5 years. It is better to change your environment in 5 years than never change at all. It’s better to raise your standards and expectations than it is to try and change people that do not want to change.

Take the responsibility and accountability for where you are and plan to move away from those circumstances. Raise your energy.


This is a different way of living. This way you have all the accountability for your life, this way you determine the outcomes. It takes a while to get this going, but once you have started you can’t stop. Once you have seen that you determine your destiny, then life becomes even more fun.


Not talking ownership of our current situations causes us to suffer. Suffer is just a perception, and a perception can be changed.


What is causing you to stay where you are?

What is serving you in the current situations?

(Sometimes staying in a bad relationship is serving the person. Either it is comfortable and easier to stay than to leave and find another partner, or a person do not have the financial stability to leave the relationship and therefore stay in the relationship.)

What do you need to change to not be affected by the circumstances?


I have had negative situations with protection stones/crystals on my body, and I had wonderful experiences in negative situations without protection stones/crystals. It comes down to how you process your environment. Are you processing it as loving? Can you enjoy seeing other people living their lives as well on their own terms, even if they are negative? Live and let live situation.

How do you need to BE, for their actions not to impact you?




And how does it look like to be these qualities?

How will a situation be if you view it as loving and supporting you? Perhaps the negative people are trying you get away from them because you are meant for greater things.


Explore these questions and scenarios.


We can’t always control our outside situations, but we can always choose what we think and feel and how we want to react.


Have fun, and dont let your past demons get the better of you.


Live SourceFull

Thursday, 10 February 2022

Affirmations, positive thinking - whats it all about and does it work?



What are affirmations?

Let’s first start with the official definition.

The definition of affirmation is the act of confirming something to be true, or is a written or oral statement that confirms something is true. An example of affirmation is reminding a child that she is smart.


Affirmations in New Thought and New Age terminology refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything."


Not to confuse positive thinking with affirmations, lets quickly look at positive thinking. Affirmations are used in the process of building a positive mental attitude habit.


Positive thinking

Positive thinking has been getting a lot of flak recently, some say it works and others say it’s a waste of time. I say it is not implemented correctly. There is a time and place for everything.


Some people think positive thinking is, to say there is no pain when you have just broken your leg, or say to yourself your heart is not broken when you have lost a loved one or lover, or just repeating silly positive statements in the hope it will turn your life around.

Positive thinking should rather be seen as having a positive mental attitude. Meaning, you have positive expectations about life and outcomes. Life will still happen, but it’s the way we process the happenings that determine if we suffer or not.

A positive mental attitude also requires honesty with yourself. Did you mess up or have you tried your absolute best. Honesty is not always visible in the heat of a moment and therefore requires you to go within. A good exercise for this is Solitude. (More on solitude in another article)

Let’s say you are sore about losing your job. Having a positive mental attitude will be difficult if you did not give your absolute best, if you know you were slacking.

Having a positive mental attitude will be difficult if you do not have higher ambitions for yourself. Having a positive mental attitude will be difficult if you do not have high hopes for your future in the career.

I say this because if you did have high ambitions and future vision you would see the loss of job as a blessing that is opening up other opportunities.

You can’t fix your life with just positive thinking, it comes with planning and building a vision for your future. It comes with belief.

I have heard of so many stories of people who lost their jobs and then a much bigger and better opportunity presented itself to them. If they had a negative attitude towards the job loss and are angry at the previous ‘job’ situation, then you won’t see the new opportunity that is opening up.


A positive mental attitude is a practice, its not something that you decide on every now and then, or when someone is listening in. You will have turn around a negative thought or attitude when it is presented to you. That’s one way to build the habit of a positive mental attitude. And the key word is HABIT. We can say that our lives consist out of habits.


Where does affirmations come into play then?

Affirmations are words and phrases that we use to program and rewire the mind to reach a certain goal or state of being. We use them all the time, most people are not aware that they are using it to the detriment of themselves. “I can’t do this” or “I never get this right”.


Somewhere in your life you believed you are less than what you actually are. Unworthy, lack of confidence etc. Using affirmations is part of the process to change and rewire our minds.

It is like a reminder you tell yourself that you are moving and growing in a new direction.


So, to change a state or habit that we do not want, we use positive affirmations.

For example, “I am confident”, or “I wake up motivated”, or “I am worthy of success/a lover etc”.


Little by little your brain starts picking up on where you are becoming more confident or motivated, and just the act of noticing is again affirming.
When you wake up in the morning, one of your first thoughts will be, “I wake up motivated”. That thought is enough to get you motivated.


When does it not work?

When you create an affirmation that you can not believe. “I make a million dollars per month” when you barely scrape by and have no proper plans to receive a million dollars per month.

A better approach is start with something you do believe, “I am a successful entrepreneur.” “I am productive in my business and that leads to more sales”. “I am meeting the right people to grow my business”. These are smaller steps to start with. If an affirmation seems out of reach, then you won’t believe what you are saying. This can lead to distrust in yourself.

Start with something believable, build a plan to where you are heading. What is the next thing you must attain on your way to a million dollars a month. Maybe you need to sharpen up on your sale skills, or people skills.


In conclusion.

Affirmations are a reprogramming tool. Its is not positive thinking in itself although the statements are positive.

Affirmations are also used to build new habits. Its easier to start an exercise regime when you like to exercise than if you hate it. “I love being fit and healthy. Eating healthy makes me feel wonderful.”


Affirmations work well in the reprogramming of the mind. Unbeknownst to you, you affirmed the way you currently are already years ago. If you don’t like exercise, where did it start from? Somewhere out there, there is someone that loves exercise. Why can they love it and you not? There is no reason. Use affirmations to start liking something that will support your life and vision.


Become aware of where you currently reinforce your old affirmations and start to change them with the better affirmation that is supporting your future.



Here are some affirmations to get you going.


1.      I am successful.

2.      I am confident.

3.      I am strong.

4.      I am getting better and better every day.

5.      I wake up motivated.

6.      I am an unstoppable force of nature.

7.      I am a living, breathing example of motivation.

8.      I am living with abundance.

9.      I am inspiring people through my work.

10.   I’m rising above the thoughts that are trying to make me angry or afraid.

11.   Today is a phenomenal day.

12.   I am not pushed by my problems; I am led by my dreams.

13.   I am grateful for everything I have in my life.

14.   I can be whatever I want to be.

15.   I am not defined my by past; I am driven by my future.

16.   Today will be a productive day.

17.   I am intelligent and focused.

18.   I feel more grateful each day.

19.   I am getting healthier every day.

20.   Each and every day, I am getting closer to achieving my goals.

21.   I am constantly growing and evolving into a better person.

22.   I accept myself for who I am and create peace, power and confidence of mind and of heart.

23.   I am going to forgive myself and free myself. I deserve to forgive and be forgiven.

24.   I must remember the incredible power I possess within me to achieve anything I desire.

25.   I am meeting my own definition of success.

26.   I finish what matters and let go of what does not.

27.   I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind. This is my time.

28.   What I have done today was the best I was able to do today. And for that, I am thankful.

29.   I set goals and go after them with all the determination I can muster. When I do this, my own skills and talents will take me to places that amaze me.

30.   Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy.



Live SourceFull






(50 Affirmations Source- https://www.usosm.com/employee/50-self-affirmations-to-help-you-stay-motivated-every-day/)

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Change you story, change your life

Being stuck in rut or comfort zone has its positives, but when the comfort zone is getting the better of your life and emotions, then it’s time to pull up those socks and jump into action.


One way to work yourself out of a comfort zone is by a process of ‘enquiry of the mind’. We will start observing what is happening in the mind. What stories are being repeated day in and day out, minute after minute? Who is thinking about those stories, raising all those thoughts about stuff I did not want to think about?


By starting to observe those thoughts you will see the underlying idea or intention behind the thoughts and behind the stories. I.e., most men have a secret superhero identity in their minds. You stand in a bank, and suddenly a robber comes barging in, screaming at shouting at all the people at the counter. He has loads of weapons and looks as if he can use them. But somehow you save the day with your secret skills no one knows about.  

Or you are a villain and you save the dame.


Some woman would like to find a wild man and ‘tame’ him, domesticate him. Like beauty and the beast.


Our stories are about our expectations we have in life as well. How many times have you thought your boss will be angry at something before you even approached them? Or your partner? Expecting someone will be angry, makes them angry. Try changing that expectation to a positive outcome.


·        How would the situation look like if it worked out positively?

o   How does that feel like?

·        What would you need to do to have the situation work out positively?

·        Who do you need to be?

Try it.


You need to become the ideal situation as whole being, not just a thought.


Are you starting to connect some dots in your mind? Are you seeing how certain events or situations happened in line with your ‘story’? “Mmm… maybe it wasn’t Susan’s fault…? Maybe I had a part in the situation by speaking and acting out in the way I would have liked the situation to end up in, steering the outcome? What would have happened if I expected the situation to end better, happier?


We need to change our story that is playing in our mind, the stories that is keeping us back, holding us back from making that bold move we know we must make. To get that girl or that guy, to get out of a bad situation, or to just level up your life.


A good method to change your story is, solitude. Solitude will make you become aware of your thoughts and feelings and where they originate from in the mind. i.e. why did you just feel that feeling or emotion? What thought triggered that feeling. And why? Was it trying to protect you from something, like embarrassment or rejection?

When you realise the ‘why’, then you can start changing your story by giving it a new ‘why’, a better ‘why’, a ‘why’ that supports a happy and prosperous life.


Solitude for me is to find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for at least 30 minutes. Put away all distracting electronic devices. You can play calming meditation music.

Sit upright with your bock straight. Put your hands on your thighs or your lap and focus on your breathing and your body. Just feel your body. Feel yourself in the body and keep breathing. Every time your thoughts wander off, just bring it back to your body and your breathing.

You will notice you might have some itches and twitches to scratch that is bothering you. Don’t scratch or give attention to them. Bring your focus on you’re the feeling of your body and your breathing. At the start they might be very distracting, but just teach yourself that you will not pay it any attention and it will go away. This is a sneaky way your ego uses to distract you from the real underlying problems and stories. As soon as you scratch, you lose your focus and thoughts enter your mind. (When you do scratch, notice where your thoughts go when you scratch.)

Don’t scratch however, and just observe your thoughts, don’t think about them. Keep breathing and focusing on your body while observing the thoughts.


You will eventually notice your mind is doing things on its own. Conversations are being held between other characters beside yourself, questions are being asked and answered and every now and again a thought runs across your mind that you did not initiate. (All in good energy. We will delph into this area in a later release.)


Where did it come from? Who’s thought was it if it wasn’t ‘mine’? Was it something else or was it a different part of me? What part of me was it then?

Was it my subconscious or my soul? Do some solitude and let me know.


Keep doing this until you have managed to observe the mind. This can take some practice, but it is absolutely worth it. 


When you start piecing together the entire story and plot, you can start to strategies how you will change the story. By catching yourself playing the story in your head, then changing it to a better version. This is tough at the start as you are busy rewiring your brain, years of thinking the same thoughts needs to change now, so give it some time.

When you have identified the story and where it plays off in real life, now you sit and visualise the situation changing and turning out the way you want it to turn out. Do this until you feel it. Key is in the feeling. Do this in your solitude sessions.

Keep in mind, it is difficult to change a behaviour in the moment. To change your behaviour or response in a situation that usually make you angry into a calm and understanding state will need some pre planning.

When you have felt the way you want to respond as, then you can practice it in real time. You will be tested a couple of times, someone is going to present you with an ‘anger’ situation, but then you must just remember your new story and live it, be it. Your story will start to change as you support the new story by real life situations, soon your story will have a new chapter or cover.


Try it. Send me some feedback on your experience.


Next week we will discuss how affirmations can assist in the process of changing your stories and how it helps create habits.


Remember, you are not your past nor your story.




Change your story, change your life.


Live SourceFUll



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Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Belief, knowing and faith – same same but different. And how to use them

“Belief needs no knowledge, knowledge needs no belief.”


This article came about the question, do I believe something or do I know something? The theory goes that, what you believe to be true, will be true. i.e. do you believe you will win a race or do you know you will win the race. It is 2 very similar concepts, however they do have subtle differences.


There is this debate about the difference of knowing and believing. What does it actually mean to know something or to believe something?

Belief in something is stated as; you have accepted something to be true without evidence. It is an internal state of being.

Whereas Knowing something, is you possessing the knowledge and/or wisdom of something.


Let’s presuppose for this article that;

Belief means you have 100% belief, no doubt.

Knowing means you have 100% sense of knowing.


You do not need evidence to believe something nor does it need to be correct or true for you to believe something. Belief is more of a state of being, an intention combined with a feeling, the feeling of belief, the feeling it is already done.


Knowing definition:

·        showing or suggesting that one has knowledge or awareness about something.

·        done in full awareness or consciousness.

·        having or reflecting knowledge, information, or intelligence

Knowledge is a familiarity or awareness, of someone or something, such as facts, skills, or objects contributing to one’s understanding


A knowing has facts and evidence. How can you know something without the knowledge of the object? A knowing without evidence or facts is an opinion.


The key comes in to combine the knowing and the belief. When we start talking about the law of creation or law of attraction, the key to create/attract is to combine emotions with intention. When you manage to get it right, then you will enter a state of belief. You believe it to be true, you believe you will heal from the disease. That opens up the knowing of your healing. You just know you are healing.

It’s a tough concept to grasp at first.  


Can you change your beliefs?


If beliefs are a state of being, and you were taught your beliefs, then beliefs can be changed. You can change your religious views, your view on love, your belief that good things always happen to you etc.

If someone says “bad things always happen to me”, that is an underlying belief. That belief though, is not supporting you to a fulfilled and happy life. It would be wise to change that belief.

From this deduction, all of our life experiences are as a result of our beliefs.

Do you believe the food will taste good?

Do you believe your partner will be loving? If you change this to, ‘if you believe your partner will be faithful’, then you are adding a layer of doubt, and wherever doubt is, disappointment and pain follows. So be sure you word your life the way you really want it. Presume your partner will be faithful by focusing on the positive aspects, he/she will be loving and caring etc. Be specific.

Do you believe you are good at your job?

Our life is filled with beliefs. It is part of what makes our reality real. For if you stopped believing you are always at fault or that you are always ‘so busy’, then you will not have anything to complain about, then what?


We can’t really replace the word ‘believe’ in the above paragraph with ‘knowing’, because you can not know your partner to be faithful meanwhile, he/she is not. The knowing is the truth. You can assume he/she is faithful based on the behaviour, but you can not have that ‘knowing’ without proof.

As mentioned, belief comes without proof.

Do you know you are good at your job, or is that just your opinion? Do you know you are good at your job based on your inner convictions or must someone else say to you that you are good at your job? Then it is not a knowing, it is someone’s opinion.


Let’s use this example:

You’re an athlete and about to run the final race of the season. You have practiced very hard during the season and now you are ready to run this race.

You know you have worked hard, you know you have put in more hours and effort than your competitor. But do you know you will win? What is it that gives you that feeling of wining? It is a sense of belief. How can you know you will win the race if it has not happened yet? Knowing is based on facts, belief is based on your state of being and conviction.

The race is being run and your opponent wins the race. After the race you talk to your opponent and when asked how he won, the answer is, “I believed I will win”.

Now, belief with doubt is not full belief. If there is a hint of doubt, then you do not have full belief. Its like being pregnant, either you are pregnant or you are not.


It is my theory that with complete belief you can accomplish anything. The trick is to get your mind and body to accept it as truth without prior evidence. That gets tricky.


Let’s look at some major points for belief

·        Belief is a state of being and does not need something to attach to. Belief in the outcome no matter how it comes about.

·        Belief = already done

·        Belief is a sense of knowing without knowledge, but with feeling/emotion and certainty.

·        Belief does not have to be true for others, but it is true for you. A thing does not have to be true for you to believe it. i.e., Placebo effect.

·        Belief = now (You believe it now, not when some criteria is met)

·        Belief is more of a feeling, a state of being

·        Belief is a merge of awareness/intention and emotion. And hence it can be changed. It is felt together with thought/intention.


And knowing

·        Knowing is the understanding of something. Knowing is infinite.

·        All things are made of “knowledge” as everything is ‘known’ in the bigger scheme if things. The table is made of molecules and atoms and that is a form of knowledge. The design and method of construction is knowledge and can be seen when looking at it. Knowledge is everywhere but not everyone sees it.

·        Knowing is the action of applying knowledge to an object or situation or event.

·        Knowledge has facts involved – must have facts involved. Must have evidence. I know he did not do it; he was with me at that time.


Let’s add another word, “Faith”.

It is very similar to belief and knowing.

Definition: complete trust or confidence in someone or something.


Let’s look at some aspects of faith;


·        Faith = must still happen (I have faith that you will win the race. Vs I believe you will win the race. Belief is in a sense, already won, whereas faith still needs to run the race.)  

·        You have faith in something/someone or a trait (my abilities). I believe vs I faith (sounds weird). You can have faith, but you can’t be faith. You can believe in yourself without traits/abilities, but you can’t have faith in yourself without traits/abilities.


I have faith this medicine will heal me vs I believe this medicine will heal me.

Faith is putting it outside of you. Faith has a time delay. Believe something is already done vs have faith it is already done. One is closer to you than the other. Do you agree?

Faith can only be used on something that is still going to happen. Whereas belief can be felt ahead of the event/happening. I have faith in this medication to heal me vs I believe this medication will heal me. Belief can be felt before the healing i.e. I believe this medication has healed me, whereas I have faith that this medication has healed me doesn’t sit right.

Its almost as if these 2 words have the same meaning but different tenses. One is now, and the other is future. Try it, place these words in sentences and see “where” they are.

Belief = now

Faith = future



Are you uncertain if you have full belief? Then you don’t. This is a state of complete and full certainty. If you question yourself a tiny bit, then you do not have full belief. It is an “Un-believable state”, pun intended. If you are not there, you can’t fathom how it is, and when you are there (in that state of full belief) you can’t remember how it was previously or why you would stay there for so long.



In conclusion.

Knowing and belief is similar but not the same. When you combine belief with knowing you open yourself up for some great experiences. Imagine believing in a knowing. I know I can heal myself from this severe illness, but now you know and believe it. Do you think that results will come sooner?

There are numerous studies done on this concept. Dr Dispenza is doing amazing work on this topic and how to change your internal beliefs to align with your outside desire.

It all starts from within and finds its way out.


Belief is more than just a thought, it is a feeling combined with an aware intention. A lot of people are struggling to experience full belief. They believe easier what others say and what is on TV than what they feel to be true.

Learn to believe, it’s a skill, a skill that will help you throughout your life.

There are never doubts in full belief and that should be your aim, to eradicate all doubts and live with full belief. It can start as simple as believe you will get a parking spot Infront of the store. Try it, see if and where any doubts come in. Resolve those doubts and try again.

Combine the knowing with the belief. The knowing you will get the parking spot with the belief it is already there for you. Try it, and keep trying.


I would like to hear your feedback with this exercise. Let’s help each other build better lives and live it in a different way.


Live SourceFull

